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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Day 16 - FR

Cookie says...
It was Christmas Day and we rose a little later than expected. After a hot cooked breaky, Bron and Julz got stuck into preparing a roast for lunch.

It was a pearler and the rest of the day was basically playing cards. We continued our 500 game from Beaune but moved to Up and Down the River and Liar's Dice when Bron joined the games. This went on for a few hours before heading to bed.

Julie says...
Way too much food, and a few hands of cards - a typical Christmas day :)

Sarah says...
In an attempt to keep up with my sister last night Cookie gave himself a hangover - Merry Christmas Mr Cook!!

Bron and Julie made an awesome Christmas lunch and then we spent the rest of the time playing cards.

Pilty says...
Bringing Julie and Bron along was a great idea; even with out gravy (which we forgot to buy), they managed to cook us a great dinner

Bronwen says...
Great Christmas day - good food, good company, good card games, a dice game I have not a hope of ever understanding and some good wine. A not too shabby day at all!


  1. A toast, to Liars Dice.


  2. Two of my favourite games. And so simple to prepare!

    My words (if you can call it that): ldittt ndever
