Come morning the girls were wishing we coulda had a bit of a sleep in. Unfortunately Brendan who was to pick us up on our way for the weekend trip had left his coat at work so as he was late, a sleep in would have been possible. He arrived around lunch and we got on our way. Initially we were going to head to Bath but instead we decided to head to the Cottswolds instead. It was a nice day for a drive and the company and music was good.
We made it to Stow-on-the-Wold where we'd booked a 'family room' which was a double bed and two bunk beds. After threats of male spooning, the girls came to the rescue and took the double bed. We wandered around the town in pairs of like gender and did gender specific things. Brendan and I took photos while the girls shopped and we met for dinner and drinks later.
Stow-on-the-Wold... well, it's carpark at least
Sarah was finding it a bit cold
After drinks in the oldest inn in England, the girls went to bed and Brendan and I took some long exposures of a church.
For the last time, it's not time-lapse and it was worth trying!
Julz says...
Sleep was of the utmost importance today, but it seemed to be lost in the rush to get ready for Brendan, who then ended up being late. But, in saying that, we did have time for brekky in Sarah's living room, where the highlight of the day was definately Cookie head-butting the window, because 'the glass pane was closer than he thought!'.
Once on the move, Cookie and Brendan's conversation topic of 'the superiority of the Magna' put me to sleep, so I managed to miss most of the scenary. However, I did awake as we were pulling into the lovely village of Stow-on-the-Wold. After convincing the gang that it was ok to lie about the fact that we weren't a family and to rip off the hotel, we headed out for tea and scones. The afternoon consisted of me buying shoes and Sarah's wishing she had. Dinner was at the pub (big surprise there), and Cookie once again tried to prove his manliness by outdrinking me (albeit successfully this time). Sarah and I avoided the opportunity for a midnight time-lapse (such a shame), and instead opted for sleep.
Sarah says...
In our defence we didn’t just wander the shops. We looked around the village and what we did was so much less naff then what the boys ended up doing (taking time shots???? BORING I say). Seriously though it was a lovely day, after what should have been a late start but turned out we got up hours to early. The Cotswolds are beautiful and so quaint. The place we stayed in was quite pretty but as Cookie says the shath was awful. Part of the way through trying to shower/bath I almost lost the will to live. Dinner was nice except I had nothing to talk about after Cookie made me promise not to pay him out so I basically sat there mute for the whole evening.
I find that Very hard the believe Sarah!