John says...Giant step today. I went for my first blue run and went from the top of the mountain to the bottom. I felt inadequate when compared to the Pete's due to their ability to consume large quantites of food at a buffet, especially when time limits apply. The view is amazing from the lookout.

John enjoying both scenery and boarding
Nichole says...After a whole day of skiing (with numerous intermittent breaks) at last I did the snow plow (on a slope that's not even considered part of the beginners slope). I discovered that it is extremely difficult to get myself up when lying face down and wearing skis with my legs jutting out at impossible angles.

What a gentleman!

Quote of the day came from an instructor 'You can stand up!'
And my guns are getting big!
Pete says...Skiing was todays highlight. Need I say more! Actually, I can. It was great to see Nichole get the snow plow working).
Skyline buffet I don't rate it as the best but it was pretty good. There was alot to chose from including the following;
Tomato soup with croutons
Indian lentils
Roast lamb, roast beef, pumpkin, carrot, peas, potato bake, broccoli, cauliflower
Nichole's extras was lamb shank and a little seafood
Indian chicken thing, a thing of rice, fetta chicken thing, more pumpkin, roast potato, more potato bake, marinated pork
Potato and herb soup with croutons
A small plate of cheeses
Sticky date pudding, chocolate mousse, tiramisu, jelly fruits, hokey pokey ice cream, chocolate ice cream and a dodgy cake thing

Pete heard we had one minute left so loaded up
After dessert we went to the viewing platform where after three seconds Nichole promptly retreated to the warmth inside.
Cookie says...We did our own thing yesterday but today we all headed to Coronet. Bit of a late start and we booked in for the buffet for dinner up the lookout. Once at the base John and I did our own things while Pete and Nichole grabbed some gear and headed to the beginners area. Today I started looking for some black runs and parts of the hill I hadn't been to instead of jumps and stuff.
I ended up finding the others around lunch to see how they were doing and they were sitting with a guy from Albany Creek who's brother turns up and recognised Nichole from school and knew common people. I took the chance to shed a layer as it was warm and we all headed back out so I could get some photos of the others. I eventually convinced John and Pete to get away from the baby slopes and try their hand at the main run. They thoroughly enjoyed it and looked quite able. It was nearing final lift and it had turned quite slushy so after a last run, I found the others and bailed.

I managed to trick Pete into trying the chairlift
Pete and Nichole found another trailer park to stay in, showered (in lukewarm water which Nic didn't find nice in a cold environment!) and we met up for the buffet. There was a pretty good selection of foods so Pete and I had several plateloads each.
Afterwards we came back to the unit to play five hundred and when it was getting late Peter started talking gibberish and Nichole started quoting Pride and Prejudice whilst big noting her guns.
Rain / snow expected tomorrow so a day off to rest before fresh conditions on Sat / Sun with Dave.