Today was the start of the road trip. Except we didn't have a car so we headed to Luton Airport and rented a Ford KA. Wasn't much to look at, actually, they kinda look weird. But it fit the three of us and should do the job.
Our next port of call was Banbury where Sarah had some more family and after missing an exit and some wrong turns, we made it. We had dinner there and Uncle Alan broke out his alcohol collection (listed below). I think I sampled half of his stuff including some Irish Pottney which had to be kept in glass for fear of dissolving anything else!

Yup, I tried all of that stuff!
Afterwards we headed out with her cousins to a coupla pubs. I had another ale or two and then tried some cider - yuk, not a fan. We ended up at a club where I could strut my stuff, much to Sarah's embarrassment. That made it all the more enjoyable.

The girls loved my dancing
It was a good night but I was ready for some peaceful sleep.
Brasserie, Fosters, Irish Poiteen (Pottney?) (100% proof), Jack Daniels, Schnapps (homemade), Wolf Blass 2004 Cab Sav (with dinner), Kourtaki (sweet red wine), Aalborg Jubilaeums Akvavit, Wolf Blass Chardonnay, Southern Comfort and Napoleon Brandy